
Please note some of the links on this page may resolve to non-governmental agencies. The information on these pages is not controlled by the Office of the Secretary of State or the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

Election Administration

Kentucky State Board of Elections

Election Assistance Commission - national clearinghouse and resources for information and review of procedures with respect to the administration of Federal elections

Federal Voting Assistance Guide - information regarding federal laws on absentee and assistance voting

The Department of Justice Voting Rights Section - oversees various aspects of election process, including the Help America Vote Act

Campaign Finance

Kentucky Registry of Election Finance

Federal Election Commission - an independent regulatory agency responsible for disclosing campaign finance information, enforcing laws with respect to limits and prohibitions on contributions and overseeing public funding of presidential elections

Internal Revenue Service - provides tax information for political organizations

Election Associations

National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS)

National Association of State Election Directors (NASED)

National Association of County Recorders, Election Officials and Clerks

Election Center - a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting, preserving and improving democracy; members are government employees whose profession is to serve in voter registration and elections administration

Political Parties

Democratic Party of Kentucky

Democratic National Committee

Republican Party of Kentucky

Republican National Committee

Libertarian Party of Kentucky