
Additional acts of the Virginia and Kentucky General Assemblies related to the Land Office and other historically significant topics are also available on this website:

  • 1789 Compact with Virginia - precursor to Kentucky's statehood; ordains constitutional convention, sets state boundaries, assumes debt, declares Virginia land patents in Kentucky would be honored, discusses non-resident taxation, requires Ohio River to remain open to the United States, and appoints commission to resolve disputes after statehood.
  • Henderson's Special Land Grant - grants Judge Richard Henderson & Co. 200,000 acres on the Ohio and Green Rivers as reimbursement for expenses incurred under the 1775 Sycamore Shoals Treaty with the Cherokee Indian Nation. Allowed the grantees to settle or divide and sell the tract with the grantees to keep the proceeds. The city of Henderson, Kentucky, is part of Henderson's Special Land Grant.
  • State and Military District Boundaries - 1795 Act of the Kentucky General Assembly directing the governor to correspond with the governor of Virginia regarding state boundary lines and appointing James Thompson and William Croghan to ascertain the head of the Green River and survey the northeast line of the military lands.
  • Transfer of original land records and title papers from Virginia to Kentucky (1793)
  • Transfer of original land records and title papers from Virginia to Kentucky (1797)
  • Transfer of title papers from Virginia to Kentucky (1798)

Disclaimer: The text of these Acts was entered manually; researchers should consult the published versions of the Virginia and Kentucky Acts for official use. Those Acts can be researched at the Kentucky History Center Library, the Department for Libraries and Archives, and the Supreme Court Law Library, all in Frankfort. Enrolled Bills and Governor's Journals (1792-1927) are available on microfilm at the Department for Libraries and Archives.