Business Forms Library


​​​​​Online Filings

You can electronically file annual reports, assumed names (DBA), and statements of change of registered agent/office or principal office. By entering your name and electronically ​submitting a form for filing, you certify that you are authorized to submit it and are deemed to declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of Kentucky that the information is true and correct. You also understand that a typed version of your name is being accepted as your original signature.

Many of the forms and instructions you may need to file with the Secretary of State's office are available for download below.

Domestic Corporation Forms

Articles of Incorporation - Profit (PAI)
Articles of Incorporation - Non-Profit (NAI)
Articles of Incorporation - Professional Service (KPS)
Articles of Incorporation - Public Benefit Corporation (BAI​)
Articles of Amendment - Profit (AMD)​
Articles of Amendment - Non-Profit (NPA)
Articles of Dissolution - Profit - dissolution by incorporators or initial directors (IPD)
Articles of Dissolution - Profit - dissolution by Board of Directors or Shareholders (DIS)
Articles of Dissolution - Non-Profit (NPD)​​

Foreign Corporation Forms

Certificate of Authority (FBE)​​​​​
Amended Certificate of Authority (FCA)
Certificate of Withdrawal (WFE)
Registration or Renewal of Entity Name (REG)

Other Forms for Domestic and Foreign Corporations

​​Articles o​f Correction​​(AOC)​
​​​​​​Reservation or Renewal of Reserved Name (RES)
Notice of Transfer of Reserved Name (NOT)
Notice of Cancellation of Reserved Name (CCR)
Statement of Change of Principal Office (POC)
Statement of Change of Registered Agent and Office (RAC)
Statement of Consent of Registered Agent (CRA)
Statement of Resignation of Registered Agent (SRA)
Certificate of Assumed Name (ASN)
Amended Certificate of Assumed Name (AAN)
Certificate of Withdrawal of Assumed Name (CWA)
Renewal of Assumed Name (RAN)
Withdrawal of Filing Before Effectiveness (WBE)

Disaster Relief ​​Quarterly R​eport



Other Forms Available for Download

You can also download a request corporate documentsUCC forms and trademark/service mark forms.​​