Safe At Home - Laws

​​​​​Te Safe at Home program is governed by the following statutes and administrative regulation:

KRS 14.300 - Definitions for KRS 14.300 to 14.318

KRS 14.302 - Crime victims' address confidentiality program -- Program open to victims of domestic violence and abuse, stalking, and​ felony sex offenses -- Criminal history background check and fingerprinting of Department of State employees administering program.​

KRS 14.304 - Individuals who may apply for designated mailing address -- Application -- Certification -- Renewal -- Addresses exempt from disclosure -- Notification of enrollment in program -- Verification card -- Similar programs outside the Commonwealth -- Administrative regulations

KRS 14.306 - Grounds for cancellation of a program participant's certification -- Notice of cancellation -- Appeal -- Voluntary withdrawal from program -- Procedure to ensure that request for withdrawal is legitimate -- Administrative regulations.

KRS 14.308 - Confidentiality of program participant's records -- Exceptions authorizing disclosure.

KRS 14.310 - Secretary of State to establish list of state, local, and nonprofit agencies providing counsel and shelter to program participants -- Assistance not to be deemed legal advice -- Training program for application assistants -- Role of application assistants. ​

KRS 14.312 - Program participants to vote by mail-in absentee ballot -- Modification of county clerk's system to safeguard confidentiality of participant's voting records -- No waiver or modification of legal qualifications to vote.

KRS 14.314 - Prior custody or visitation orders not affected by program or by this chapter.

KRS 14.316 - Limitation of liability for negligent disclosure of program participant's actual address.

KRS 14.318 - Administrative regulations to be promulgated by State Board of Elections and Secretary of State to implement KRS 14.300 to 14.318.