UCC Online Services

​The Secretary of State is excited to offer a number of online services for UCC filings and records. You can now complete common filings and searches and check the s​tatus of your prepaid account online, saving you both time and money.

UCC Index Search

The Secretary of State's office maintains a searchable index for all active UCC records. Using this feature, you can retrieve a record by the debtor's name or by the file number of the initial financing statement to which the record relates. The initial filing number is associated with each UCC filing that relates to the initial filing statement.

Please note Revised Article 9 allows only a Standard Search, which allows only full name searches. Thus, although you can perform a partial name search online, only full name search results can be certified. The following rules apply to the Standard Search:

  • There is no limit to the number of matches;
  • No distinction is made between upper- and lower-case letters;
  • Punctuation marks and accents are disregarded;
  • Words and abbreviations at the end of a name indicating the existence or nature of an organization are disregarded;
  • The word "the" at the beginning of the search criteria is disregarded;
  • All spaces are disregarded; and
  • For first and middle names of individuals, initials are treated as the logical equivalent of all names that begin with such initials.

Online Filings

Most simple UCC-1 (initial filing) and UCC-3 (amendments) can be filed online. There is a $5.00 fee for online filings, which may be paid by credit or debit card, electronic funds transfer, or prepaid account.

Please note that organization and individual names will be entered into the UCC information management system exactly as set forth in the record, even if it appears that multiple names are set forth or it appears that the name of an individual has been included in the field designated for organization name. In​clusion of names in an incorrect field or failure to transmit names accurately may cause a filing to be ineffective.