Enacted Legislation

The Kentucky Secretary of State receives and files all bills approved by the General Assembly, including (a) legislation signed by the governor, (b) legislation to become law without the governor's signature, (c) legislation overriding the governor's veto, and (d) legislation that includes line-item vetoes. This database includes scanned images of all enacted legislation filed with the Secretary of State since 2004, including during the current legislative session. For an explanation of terms frequently used in enacted legislation, please consult the Glossary of Legislative Terms.

To track current bills that have not yet been enacted, visit Kentucky.gov's free Bill Watch Service or the Legislative Research Commission website.

For more information about enacted legislation or legislation enacted prior to the 2004 Regular Session of the General Assembly, please contact the office of the Secretary of State:

  • phone: (502) 564-3490
  • fax: (502) 564-5687
  • email
  • mail: Office of the Secretary of State
            Enacted Legislation
            700 Capital Ave., Ste. 80
            Frankfort, KY 40601