Annual Reports

​​​​​​​​​To assist the Secretary of State in providing accurate information to the public, all entities conducting business in the Commonwealth of Kentucky are required to file annual reports with this office by June 30 of each year. Reports can be filed any time between January 1 and June 30 by either:

  • Filing your annual report online; or
  • Printing your annual report and returning it by mail or in person.

Your annual report must be signed, dated and accompanied by a $15 filing fee. On your annual report, yo​​u must confirm the principal and registered agent/office. Depending on whether you are a newly formed entity filing an annual report for the first time or an entity that has previously filed an annual report, you must also either submit or confirm the names and addresses of your entity's officers, directors, members, managers and/or trustees; necessary changes can be made on the annual report, an attached sheet of paper or the online system.

If you have already filed your annual report and need to make changes to it, you can file an amended annual report.

Please note that you cannot make changes to principal and registered agent/office on the annual report postcard. Those changes must be made via a statement of change.

Statement of Change of Principal Office (POC)
Statement of Change of Registered Agent and Office​ (RAC)​

Administrative Dissolution

Domestic entities that fail to file their annual reports by June 30 are administratively dissolved, meaning that until they reinstate, they are inactive and in bad standing with the Office of the Secretary of State. In order to reinstate, an entity should:

  1. File a Rei​​nstatement Application online Organization Search;
  2. Mail or hand deliver the Reinstatement Application to the Secretary of State's office. The Secretary of State's office will request, on the entity's behalf, a letter of good standing from the Kentucky Department of Revenue and, in the case of profit companies, the Division of Unemployment Insurance. (If the entity does not want the Secretary of State's office to request letters of good standing, the entity must contact the agencies itself and submit the letters with the Reinstatement Application.) When both letters of good standing have been received, the Secretary of State's office will process the Reinstatement Application.
  3. Pay any delinquent filing fees.

Revocation of Authority

Foreign business entities registered to do business in Kentucky that fail to timely file an annual report will have their certificates of authority revoked. In order to requalify to do business in the Commonwealth, a foreign entity whose certificate has been revoked must file an application for a certificate of authority or file online here.

If you have any questions about annual reports, please contact the Secretary of State's Office:

  • phone: (502) 564-3490
  • fax: (502) 564-5687
  • email
  • mail:  Office of the Secretary of State
             Filings Branch
             700 Capital Ave.
             P.O. Box 718
             Frankfort, KY 40602​